Here at Cahill Chiropractic, we work hard to give you an exceptional experience that we hope will transform your health, the way you function, and the way you feel.

BAppSc(Chiro)Dr David Cahill has been a registered, practicing chiropractor since 1991, in the Malvern East area since 1998. He loves helping people of all ages, from newborn babies and toddlers, to those in their more senior years.
David began practicing with a Gonstead approach, and then integrated this with the Thompson technique, to create his own unique blend of gentle, yet extremely effective adjustments. David has always been very active in post-graduate education, continually upskilling in many aspects of chiropractic. He is skilled and comfortable taking care of children.
In recent years, David’s pursuit of excellence in his field has led him to study Biogeometric Integration, a chiropractic approach which he believes honours the body in a most beautiful way.
David currently serves on the Board of the Australian Chiropractors Association, as President since 2021. He is deeply honoured to be in such a position and enjoys the challenge of representing the profession. He is also a past-president of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation, where he spent 11 years serving as a Governor.
David was the chiropractor for the Hawthorn Football Club from 2016 to 2020. He enjoyed taking care of the elite footballers, integrating his chiropractic care into a team with the other support disciplines, particularly physiotherapy.
David’s passion is to truly help people have transformative experiences through chiropractic, and to better explore their magnificent potential.
Aside from chiropractic, David loves his two children, his partner Fiona, music, and golf.
Cahill Chiropractic is located at
157-159 Waverley Rd,
Malvern East, Victoria 3145
Phone: 9571 7810 Please contact our centre to make an appointment.
Opening Hours:
Mon 7:30am – 12noon
Tue 3:00pm – 7:00pm
Wed 7:30am – 12noon
Thu 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Fri 7:30am – 12noon
Sat 8:00am – 11:00am (every 2nd Sat)